Higher Balance, LLC v. Quantum Future Group, Inc., Civil No. 08-0233 (D. Ore. filed Feb. 28, 2008).
Status: Dismissed under anti-SLAPP statute (2008 WL 5281487 (D. Or.), 37 Media L. Rep. 1181 (D. Ore. Dec. 18, 2008)).
Eric J. Pepin, who runs the Higher Balance Institute (which sells metaphysical products and services over the Internet), was acquitted of child sexual abuse charges in 2007 after a judge ruled that the prosecution had not proven that the boy involved was under 18. In 2008 he sued the Sign of the Times blog (http://www.sott.net/) for several statements about the criminal charges and the Institute. On Dec. 18, 2008, the court granted a defense motion to dismiss the case under Orgeon’s anti-SLAPP statute.
Links and Court Documents:
(link above includes excerpts from complaint)
Opinion dismissing case: http://quantumfuturegroup.org/HBI_Case_Documents/Sott_opinion_revised.pdf

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