NAPW, Inc. v. Google, No. ___ (N.Y. Sup. Ct., filed Dec. __, 2009)

Status: Pending
A national women's group, NAPW, and its president sought an injunction as well as damages arising from misappropriation of their names for trade and advertising purposes, as well as defamation. They brought suit against Google and various Doe defendants because four blogs operated by Google services allegedly defamed the plaintiffs. They sought an injunction to order Google to remove and delete the offending posts "pending resolution through trial," as well as to disclose information for the Doe defendants. The four defamatory posts, as listed in the complaint, are:

As of January 6, all offending posts were still available.

Links and court documents:
Bloggers Defamed Women's Group, Says Suit, Courthouse News Service, Dec. 31, 2009

See also:
NAPW, Inc. v. East Cooper Entrepreneurial Women

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