EDrop-Off Chicago v. Burke

UPDATE (6/4/12)

STATUS: The Electronic Frontier Foundation files for case to stay in California on June 1, 2012.

C.D.Cal.: Group Wants Blog Defamation Case to Stay in California
Courthouse News
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a group dedicated to digital privacy rights, has asked a federal judge to keep hold of an online auctioneer's blog defamation claims, rejecting a bid to refile in Illinois, where there are allegedly fewer free-speech protections against frivolous claims.

>>Amicus Brief:

EDrop-Off  Chicago v. Burke  (May 10, 2011)

STATUS: Complaint filed on May 10, 2011.

C.D.Cal.: Reality Star Says Purseblog Posts Hurt Business
Courthouse News
An online auctioneer says in Federal Court it was falsely accused of bid-rigging on the message boards of the popular site Purseblog.com.


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