Cooley Law School v. John Doe 1, et al.

UPDATE 4/16/13

STATUS: Court allows defendant to seek dismissal of claim against him. 

Mich.App.: Cooley Lose Loses Bid to Unmask Online Critic on Appeal
National Law Journal
The decision by the Michigan Court of Appeals was the latest in the saga of the blogger Rockstar05 and his former school-Cooley- which is suing him for defamation.


STATUS: Complaint filed on July 14, 2011

Mich. Cir.: Law School Sues New York Law Firm For Defamation

Wall Street Journal
A Michigan law school filed two lawsuits Thursday – one against a New York law firm and another against four anonymous internet commentators – accusing them of defamation. One lawsuit claims that the school has been the victim of ads on Craigslist and Facebook seeking former Cooley law students to join in on a potential class action suit. The second lawsuit claims that four “John Doe” defendants have been blogging and perpetuating online comments damaging to the school’s reputation.

--Complaint: Thomas M. Cooley Law School v. John Doe 1, et al.

--Complaint: Thomas M. Cooley Law School v. Kurzon Strauss, LLP

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