Quixtar, Inc. v. Does, No. 07-59739-CZ (Mich. Cir. Ct., Ottawa County filed Oct. 8, 2007).
Status: Pending

Quixtar, formerly known as Amway, sued several “John Does” for postings and comments on a variety of blog websites, including freetheibo.com; forums.freetheibo.info; drinlors.biz (no longer operational); theiborebellion.blogspot.com; qreilly.blogspot.com; freetheiboblog.typepad.com; quixtarlostmycents.blogspot.com; saveusdickdevos.blogspot.com; teamfoundingfathers.blogspot.com; chrismcstu.blogspot.com; quixtartoday.blogspot.com; and integrityisteam.blogspot.com, as well as several videos posted on YouTube. The suit alleges that the unknown defendants are involved in a rival organization (unidentified in the complaint, but known as TEAM as led by Quixtar dissident Orrin Woodward), and that the comments that they posted interfered with Quixtar’s business relationships with their distributors, known as Independent Business Owners ("IBOs"). A Quixtar spokesman told reporters that the suit seeks to identify only former IBOs who the company alleges used proprietary information in their postings, and said that the company planned to reimburse the legal expenses incurred by any bloggers who do not turn out to be former IBOs.

Links and Court Documents:

Complaint: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Amway/quixtar-subpoena-2007-10-08.pdf

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